Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank You and God Bless!

Thank you to everyone who participated in my first Lint for Lent KAL. I hope to make this an annual tradition so please look here again in the weeks that precede Ash Wednesday. I hope this was a blessing for all who participated and for all who are fortunate enough to receive your work.

I regret that I was not more active with the posts but the week prior to Easter my husband and I both got a nasty little virus that prevented me from feeling like posting. I am usually more involved with my group blogs than I was able to be this time.

As for me I am nearly finished with the 2 prayer shawls I crocheted for my church. They only need a little more work. I hope to work on them some this weekend and maybe drop them off on Sunday or Wednesday. I ran out of yarn for one and didn't feel well enough to trek to the store for it.

Please tell your friends to join us next year!

God Bless,
Ms. Knotty!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Thanks from me too

I tried so hard to get my afghan/wrap finished by Easter Sunday, but alas, I still have 80 more inches of seaming to do and numerous ends to weave in. Sewing it together was a mammoth project and took much longer than I anticipated. Also, I've sewn two squares in the wrong way so the mistake is very obvious. Unfortunately, the seam between these two squares and their neighbours is in the most difficult yarn to untangle (you know, one of those mohair types that sticks and sheds) so I don't know if I'll be able to separate them and put them in their correct places. I think it would be easier to adopt the Amish attitude of having at least one mistake in a quilt, because only God is perfect! :-)

On a happier note, I finished a scarf, a baby's shrug, and almost finished my first pair of socks knit in the round - I just have to use Kitchener stitch on the toes.

Thanks for putting this KAL together, and thanks to everyone who participated. I already do most of my knitting for charity and have joined an Australian Yahoo group for further support and sharing: knit4charities.

Come over and visit my blog anytime. God bless you all.


I had so much fun. I did manage to finish up one more preemie size sweater and cap. And I am half way through a blankie. I will continue to try to knit daily for charity as it was so gratifying. I used to only knit on Sundays for Charity...Thanks for doing this


Friday, April 6, 2007

Finished Objects

I finished the burial wraps that I was knitting for The Preemie Project. They were easy to make, and I hope that the families who need them will be comforted by them. These are used to swaddle the tiniest babies, as they are often too fragile to be dressed. The families can hold the baby and take photos if they wish.

My next project will be some quilts. I have been inspired by Lint for Lent to continue in this commitment after Easter. So often, I have the intention to make or finish a project for charity, but get side-tracked with all of my other commitments. Setting aside 30 mins a day is easy to do, and even though it seems that I don't get much done in 30 mins, all those rows add up! Thank you to all of you who have inspired me with your good works! I wish you and your families a joyous Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Crunch Time

Well, it's now Passion Week and my prayer shawl still looks like it's for a little girl. I'm not sure if it just looks that way on the needles or if it really is.
I've done a gazillion stitches and it looks really nice, it's just looking small. It's gone really slow because you only do one yarn over per row. I probably have 500 stitches right now on the needle. I'm determined to get this done by Easter, so I better stop typing and start knitting.

